African Catholic Community Diocese of Worcester at St. Andrew
LIVE BROADCAST St ANDREW Sunday Mass @ 11.30am
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African Catholic Community Worcester
African Catholic Community Worcester
African Catholic Community Worcester
African Catholic Community Worcester - Sunday School
African Catholic Community Worcester
Rev. Father Anthony Mpagi
African Catholic Community Worcester - CWA
Young Adults Ministry
African Catholic Community Worcester - Men's Ministry
Our mission is to provide space, place and expression for an African way of worship, prayer and spirituality.
That the African spiritual life and heart may not be hidden or dissolved but shared and celebrated in within the larger body of Christ , the Church.
We help to integrate African catholic immigrants, by bringing them together, encouraging them not to lose their identity, cultural expressions, and moral value system yet always avail this diversity to the mission and service of the Church.
Rev.,Fr.Enoch Kyerematen | Msgr Francis J. Scollen |
Through Faith you are all children of God...there is no Jew or Greek, there is neither slave nor free are all one in Christ Jesus (Gal 3;26-28)
Come let us celebrate what Faith has brought us. It does not matter who you are. it does not matter where you are in life. it does not matter what life has cast on you. In and With Christ Jesus we are free.
so come let us praise and give them thanks
Many blessings to you,
We are African Catholic Community. As Catholics we profess and celebrate a firm faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God we are called to share among us and the fellowship of his Spirit. Being catholic we embrace all ages of history, all lands and all groups of people. The Catholic Mass and Liturgy is our highest point of celebration, prayer and gathering. Our way of worship is African that is, we benefit from the gift of our African cultural heritage (song, dance, diversity of customs and traditions) and offer it to the Church.
From who are, we give praise and glory to whose we are.
Countries of Origin: USA, Kenya, Burundi, Rwanda, Congo, Uganda, Nigeria, Cameroon, Tanzania and Ghana
Examine yourselves to see whether you are living the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not realize that Jesus Christ is in you? 2 Cor 14: 5
We believe that Jesus Christ is in us, that since the day we were baptized God's gift of faith and his grace is given to us. This gift of Faith and grace is passed on to us in the teaching of the Apostles and tradition of the catholic church. Through the gift of the Spirit we do not hold on to this gift but are challenged to share it with every man and woman in creation; to proclaim that Jesus is Alive and that through him we have true redemption.
For this we are to live and walk by faith alone. Faith is justified by it works.